Firefox拡張機能「User-Agent Switcher」の有効な使 …
Changer l’user-agent dans Firefox - Le Hollandais Volant L’user-agent est une chaîne de caractères que votre navigateur envoie au site que vous visitez, et qui contient diverses informations sur le navigateur et l’ordinateur. Bien que je ne le recommande pas si vous ne savez pas ce que vous faites, vous pouvez modifier l’user-agent de Firefox assez facilement. Allez sur la page « about:config » et tapez « useragent » dans le champ de User Agent Switcher : Modifier facilement l’User Agent ... User Agent Switcher : Modifier facilement l’User Agent sous Firefox Posté par Jeft le 3 Fév 2011 dans Firefox | 5 Commentaires L’ User Agent est un chaîne de critères renseigné automatiquement dans votre navigateur Web et qui permet aux sites, que vous visiter, de savoir entre autre, quel navigateur vous utilisé, quel système d’exploitation vous utilisé, etc… User-Agent d'ordinateur compatible avec ... - Forum Android Pour l'utiliser sur le PC, j'utilise Firefox avec User Agent Switcher que j'ai mis sur iPad. En fait, en utilisant le tethering natif de Froyo, mon PC (Win 7) établit la connexion avec le Desire mais la connexion obtenue ne me permet pas d’accéder à Internet (Win 7 me dit "pas d’accès Internet"). miketaylr/useragent-switcher-xml - GitHub
User-Agent Switcher extension - Opera add-ons The extension provides a list of all well-known "User-Agent" strings for different browsers and operating systems as follows: Supported operating systems: Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Chromium OS, Ubuntu, Debian, Android, iOS, AmigaOS, OpenBSD, BeOS, Haiku, Solaris, NetBSD, FreeBSD, Slackware, SUSE, gentoo, Fedora, Gentoo, Mageia, CentOS, Mint, DragonFly, Kubuntu, Mandriva, Zenwalk, Unix, GNU, … Change the User Agents in Firefox, Chrome and IE The older of the two Firefox addons, User Agent Switcher was last updated in 2011 though retains compatibility with the latest builds of Firefox (at the time of writing, 31.0). At first, we were concerned that it did not work, given that it provided no choices. After some hunting, we were able to find an XML file containing a huge number of user agents. User-Agent Switcher extension - Opera add-ons
Firefoxの拡張機能「User-Agent Switcher」を使うと、Firefoxのユーザーエージェントを、ほかのOSやブラウザに切り替えられます。デスクトップ向けの 火狐模拟手机浏览User-Agent switcher插件使用-百 … 火狐模拟手机浏览User-Agent switcher插件使用,为了给顾客最好的浏览用户体验,不想安装各种不同的浏览器如360浏览器、Google浏览器、猎豹浏览器或者是IOS、Adroid等等做测试,就可以试试Uer-AgetSwitcher1.2.0forFirefox这套Firefox浏览器的扩充功能,能将Firefox伪装成各大家不同的浏览器,让你 User Agent Switcher 0.7.3 - Download in italiano User Agent Switcher è un'estensione per Firefox che consente di mascherare il browser di Mozilla, camuffandolo da Internet Explorer, Opera o qualsiasi altro browser. Il vantaggio principale è che sarai in grado di visitare le pagine che consentono l'accesso solo tramite Internet Explorer, qualcosa che continua ad accadere ancora oggi. Se hai bisogno di utilizzare un browser specifico per User Agent for Google Chrome (root required) - … 05/09/2017 · User Agent switcher for Google Chrome allows you to change to the way your Chrome Browser is viewed on the internet. Essentially masquerading Chrome as a compatible browser allowing you to view or visit websites that prevent or allow usage based on Operating system or browser type.
User-Agent Switcher extension - Opera add-ons Just right click on any page and select your user-agent. This Opera extension adds a toolbar button and a menu to switch between user-agents. Browse with our predefined user-agents or add your own user-agents. Changing User-Agent allows you to mimic, spoof or fake other browsers, devices or search engine spiders. The extension does not render web pages in the same way as the selected one. Firefox user agent string reference - HTTP | MDN This document describes the user agent string used in Firefox 4 and later and applications based on Gecko 2.0 and later. For a breakdown of changes to the string in Gecko 2.0, see Final User Agent string for Firefox 4 (blog post). See also this document on user agent sniffing and this Hacks blog post. User-Agent Switcher - Browser extension - YouTube 15/05/2018 · This extension allows you to reliably spoof your browser "User-Agent" string to a custom one. The extension provides a list of all well-known "User-Agent" st User Agent Switcher 0.7.3 - Télécharger
User Agent Switcher : Modifier facilement l’User Agent ...